The mullet hairstyle is a peculiar choice. A curly mullet is even a stranger one.
Nevertheless, it can really look good if you are capable of pulling it off.
Although it doesn’t take long nor is it hard to create a curly mullet, it requires taking some really specific steps.
If you are thinking of doing it yourself, you better stop and think about it for a second.
First of all, you’re probably not sure which style to choose.
Secondly, you have to make sure that you have all the right tools for the job.
Finally, there is still a certain level of skills required.
For that reason, we bring you the best advice for making curly mullet for men.
40 Most Popular Curly Mullet Hairstyles
Short Curly Mullet
This is a mainstream look that has a lot of layers. This style makes room for curls and waves if you have long hair. Your hair will have a lot of texture and a beard looks good. Get a premium beard balm and you’re all set.
Photo @meeshtheladybarber
This one is for those who have round faces and a redneck hairstyle. The high top makes your face look long and slim. But you want to keep the curls low.
Mexican Curly Mullet
Photo @meeshtheladybarber
These are fashionably round and you can add glasses and a high top to enhance the look.
Black Men’s Curly Mullet
This one is for people with coarse hair. You don’t have to style it much if you keep it short. But a little jam will help those coils get texture.
Curly Modern Mullet With Fade
This one has a taper fade on the top and is a modern mullet variation. It’s for punk rockers because you can keep the roots dark and dye the ringlets.
Curly Modern Mullet With Fringe
This style is for teens and young men who have made it a trend. Short curly bangs in the front add character to the look.
Curly Mullet With Beard
This is for those who want a mullet with a retro appeal. You can shave or fade the sides to make it very 2022. But don’t forget to use the product. Optimal usage of hair wax can add texture.
Messy Black
This is for you if you want a relaxed look and have natural curls. Let them air dry and don’t put any product. A hair relaxer might help. And a full beard looks great with it. Check out the world’s best foods for beard growth to make that happen organically.
Curly Modern Mullet With Enhanced Curls
On the other hand, if you want to enhance your curls, get gel for curly hair and ensure your beard is shaved. It’s a neat look. And there’s nothing wrong with getting professional nose hair trimmers while at it.
Curly Mullet With High Fade
Photo @meeshtheladybarber
This means you have a high fade on the top of a classic mullet. It’s modern, but you’ll have to remove facial hair immediately.
Curly Mullet With Short Bangs Hairstyle
This combines a classic mullet with short bangs in the front. It’s unique and the front needs to be trimmed regularly.
High Volume Curly Mullet Haircut
If you’re not into wearing unprofessional hairstyles for men, this is a good pick, but you’ll need volume and it goes well with stubble.
80s Curly Mullet
This is rebellious like it was back in the day. The sides are short and the top and back are long. You can also keep sideburns without a mustache or beard.
Get rid of the sides entirely and dye your curls blonde. Let the roots be dark and you’ve got the contrast you want.
Long Curls and Mullet
If you have ringlet curls, pair them with a regular mullet. It will stand out and look retro. Pick a powerful hair oil for men and add some shine to it.
Photo from: Featureflash Photo Agency/
Photo from: Featureflash Photo Agency/
Short History of Curly Mullets
The modern mullet, as we now call it, has an undercut or a fade on the sides. But the front is still kept short and the back can be long with a style of your choice.
Look at David Bowie in the 70s or Andre Agassi in the 80s and you’ll get an idea. These big names made it a fashionable hairstyle back in the day, making it a mainstream choice for many other A-listers.
And while the mullet might have vanished a bit, it has come back. And come back it has, with a vengeance.
The uninitiated will be fascinated to know that the mullet has an interesting backstory. From rebels to rockstars, it has touched many lives for more than just fashion reasons. Here’s a brief look at that glorious past.
The mullet was first mentioned in literature by Homer, the Greek poet of excellent reputation when he wrote The Illiad. But the term itself came into existence around 1994 when the Beastie Boys wrote a song called Mullet Head.
But long before the hit song, it was sported in ancient Rome by bands of hooligans. It was called the Hun cut and was a popular look in the 6th century BC.
Then in the 18th century, it was seen again when Ben Franklin brought it back and called it the skullet. When powdered wigs were considered a status symbol, Franklin broke all norms. And this, despite his cosmopolitan upbringing. His intellectual status gave the skullet validity. He could even charm the French into giving newly formed America diplomatic and financial support sporting this look.
Then in the 1800s, it became a sign of political protest thanks to Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe. He and his crew kept their hair traditionally long in a waterfall fashion. But they fashioned the front hair into spikes and braided the sides. They did so in the face of pressure from the missionaries.
According to author Daniel Sharfstein, this defiance was meant to signal to everyone that there was no one right look for Americans.
And how can we forget David Bowie in the 1970s? Ziggy Stardust’s orange mullet was a defining moment of relief for a decade plagued by crises like Watergate and the gas shortage.
His look reigned over the decade, with many rock bands and actors emulating it at the top of their game. And that happens even today. Just look at Jacob Elordi when he was on a break between the seasons of Euphoria.
There is bound to be a backlash when you go against the tide with such a strong statement. Even today, mullets strongly divide public opinion. While some are heavily into it, others dismiss it as tacky.
And if that isn’t enough, Iran banned it in 2010 because they labeled it a “Western invasion” and wanted to curb its spread in their country.
So, in a way, the mullet is a sign of rebellion, even today.
How to Grow and Style Curly Mullet
Step 1 – Trimming the back
You need to let it grow for length. Comb it downwards and trim it in sections away from the head. Cut in layers or leave it long.
Step 2 – Blending the rear sides
Make sure there are no sharp corners on the sides. They should blend into the back seamlessly for a tapered look. You could add layers for a shaggy look but don’t leave it thick. And don’t get into the taper vs fade debate—both work depending on the style.
Step 3 – Shaving the sides
If you want a modern mullet, you can shave the sides completely. You can keep the top long if you keep it classic.
Blend the top into the back such that it looks like a mohawk. You can style it as slicking into the back.
You can also try a pompadour on the top. In that case, slick the hair forward and let the back blend into the sides.
If you want to keep it short, a buzz cut on top is a good look. This works well with curls.
There are lots of ways to grow and style a mullet. This piece has only explained some of the top styles.
curly mullet curly hair mullet curly mullet men curly hair mullet men mullet curly hair curly mullet fade short curly mullet modern curly mullet curly mullets mullet curly hair man curly modern mullet curly hair mullet male modern mullet curly hair mullet haircut curly hair mens curly mullet mullet fade curly curly hair mullets mullet curly mullet with curly hair short curly mullet men curly hair mullet fade mullets for curly hair curly mullet haircut curly mullet male curly short mullet mullet curly hair men short curly hair mullet male mullet for curly hair man mullet for curly hair low fade mullet curly hair taper fade mullet curly curly mullet man mullet haircut men curly curly haired mullet men’s curly hair mullet mullet styles for curly hair curly hair mullet boy fade mullet curly hair mullet haircut curly messy curly mullet mullet curls mullet with curls mullet fade curly hair mullets curly hair curley mullet curly mullet short modern mullet haircut curly hair curly mullet 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What do you call a curly mullet?
It’s still a mullet but with curls.
Why is a mullet hairstyle called a mullet?
It was meant to define deep thinkers and comes from “mull,” meaning “think deeply,” and the Polish suffix “et,” meaning “eternally.”
Can you get a mullet with curly hair?
At this point, you should know that the answer is yes.
Are mullets in 2022?
Very much so.
How do you cut a curly mullet for men?
Let the hair grow and pick any of the styles mentioned above.
What is a Mexican mullet?
The Mexican mullet, a hairstyle characterized by short hair on the top and sides with long hair in the back, gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s.
This bold fashion statement has continued to be a trend among some individuals who wish to embrace a unique and edgy look.
What is a Mexican mullet taper fade?
The Mexican mullet taper fade is a popular hairstyle that features a longer length of hair in the back, reminiscent of a traditional mullet, while the sides and front are smoothly tapered to create a clean and modern look.
This unique hairstyle has gained popularity among individuals looking for a bold and trendy style that combines elements of traditional mullets with modern hair trends.
About the author: Michele Antunes
Michele Meesh Antunes is the lady of the Beardoholic writers team and a genius when it comes to hair and beard styles that suit any face shape. She’s been a barber for years now and, no matter your personal style, she knows exactly what beard, hairstyle and length suit you. She brings the women’s perspective on beards, beard care, haircuts and hairstyles and male grooming.